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Investing in the Self-Driving Car Industry

Marguerite Cassandra Toroian

· Business
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Named a Wall Street Journal All-Star Analyst and a National Association of Professional Women Woman of the Year, Marguerite Cassandra Toroian possesses an extensive background in finance and investment. Marguerite Cassandra Toroian has authored an investment advice book called Don’t Buy the Bull and has advised clients on investing in up-and-coming sectors, such as autonomous vehicles.

Companies involved in the development and manufacture of autonomous vehicles, also known as self-driving cars, have attracted billions of dollars from investors. While the technology is in the early stages of development, progress has been promising.

Companies that produce the hardware, software, and sensor systems that autonomous vehicles will one day use to navigate streets are ripe for investment. High-profile self-driving car companies include Tesla, Google, and General Motors. Since these vehicles will need 5G networks to function at capacity, investors may purchase stocks of a 5G exchange-traded fund or companies involved in building the infrastructure.